Monday, December 22, 2008

Amazing Vampire Movie

I saw a movie called "Let the Right One In" today, and it's an amazing movie!! It has a lot of parallels to "Twilight," but in my opinion it's waay better. It's in Swedish, and it's really bloody, and the acting and plot are just incredible. I wouldn't mind seeing it again. If you're into vampire movies, I would definitely recommend it...again, "Twilight" can't even compare with it.

I ran on a treadmill for the first time in maybe a year today, since it was basically zero˚F outside,, and it was pure torture! I managed to do 7 miles within about an hour, but it was incredibly mind-numbing, even though I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean at the same time. I actually cannot wait to suit up and run out in the cold again tomorrow, since it's going to be in the luxurious twenties.

I am beginning to feel the onset of boredness, and I hate it. I'm used to going somewhere right when break starts, so it feels strange to just while away the days on the internet, playing videogames, or even reading a book. I wish I could get out more and hang out with people, but it's often so hard to find a convenient time for everyone. I've also noticed that there are all these great restaurants in my neighborhood I just never get a chance to eat at, because no one ever comes to the northside! It's unfortunate. I did go out with some people to see that movie today though, so I guess I can't really complain too much about things to do.

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