Sunday, September 7, 2008

Impending Doom

School starts tomorrow. My time is going to be sapped into a black hole before I know it. No more time for leisure reading in bed, no more time to watch Scrubs online, no more time to go and see movies, no more time to really do anything for pleasure...and almost certainly no more time to blog. :-\ We will see how it goes though.

Well, I guess I get what I ask for. Last night I ate at Sushi Para Tu, and probably ate half my body weight in sushi. It was very good though - I hadn't had sushi in so long. I also watched Vantage Point last night, which is a pretty good movie despite all the negative reviews I've read of it. Very fast-paced and intense.

I also had a soccer game today in Oak Park, which was the first of the season for our team. We ended up winning 3-0, which was awesome. I can't say I played very well though, and I might have been one of the only forwards who did not score. I just don't know how well soccer and cross country compliment each other - I've definitely lost much of my touch for the ball, and my sprinting leaves much to be desired. But if I didn't play soccer, I wouldn't be sprinting at all, so I guess I can't complain. It's a fun game, but it comes with its own kind of aches and pains, being a contact sport. I'm still hurting a bit from running straight into a girl today. I don't really know what happened, just that I could barely walk right afterwards from the pain in my elbow and thigh. It's all part of the game though, I guess.

I also went to a cross country dinner at a teammate's house today. The house was both gorgeous and ginormous, and the food was good too. I was as delightfully awkward as ever.

Funnily enough, I think I am dreading the social aspect of school more than the academic part of it. I haven't talked to so many people in so long, and I fell out of touch with so many people over the I'm going to half to get over that awkward stage with people. I'm not looking forward to that. Well maybe I'll get to know some other people this year as well from my new classes.

1 comment:

femmefatale91 said...

HA i like the title of this one"impending Doom" DONT SWEAT IT AOIFE!!!! YOu are a social butterfly ! you just need to be like HEY IM AOIFE and i rock badass hoodies and converse and im super smart so HA , do you wanna be my friend? ha jk dont worry , But i totally know what your talking about with that akward stage after summer, its kinda like your meeting people all over again! AOIFE IT WILL BE GreaT!